Avatar: The Last Airbender Books In Order

Unleashing the power of imagination and taking storytelling to an extraordinary level, the Avatar franchise, which includes Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, is a renowned animated series that has captivated audiences globally.

Transcending beyond the television screen, this magical universe also extends to an impressive collection of books, offering additional adventures, insights, and explorations of the vibrant, complex world of benders, spirits, and political intrigue.

Our journey today will navigate through this collection, providing a chronological order for those eager to immerse themselves into the deep lore and rich narratives of the Avatar universe in its written form. Sure, here’s the information you requested.

Avatar Books In Order
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Comics in Order

Avatar: The Last Airbender Comics in Order
Avatar: The Last Airbender Comics in Order

The “Avatar: The Last Airbender” comics pick up where the animated series left off. Here’s the correct chronological order for these comics:

  1. The Promise
  2. The Search
  3. The Rift
  4. Smoke and Shadow
  5. North and South
  6. Imbalance

Avatar Comics in Order: Legend of Korra Novels

These novels continue the narrative of “The Legend of Korra” animated series:

  1. The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars
  2. The Legend of Korra: Ruins of the Empire

Avatar Comics in Order: Legend of Korra Comic Books

  1. Friends for Life
  2. Lost Pets

The Legend of Korra: Enhanced Experience

This is an interactive book that provides behind-the-scenes content and insights into “The Legend of Korra” animated series.

Chronicles of the Avatar

This series includes the following books:

  1. Aang’s Story
  2. Zuko’s Story
  3. Sokka’s Story
  4. Katara’s Story

The Lost Scrolls Series

This is a collection of transcriptions of the four original scrolls that document the control of the Avatar’s elements.

  1. The Lost Scrolls: Water
  2. The Lost Scrolls: Earth
  3. The Lost Scrolls: Fire
  4. The Lost Scrolls: Air

The Earth Kingdom Chronicles

These are books that follow the adventures of Team Avatar through the Earth Kingdom.

  1. The Tale of Aang
  2. The Tale of Azula
  3. The Tale of Toph
  4. The Tale of Sokka

Avatar: The Last Airbender Series

These are the novels based on the original animated series:

  1. Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi
  2. Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Shadow of Kyoshi

Please note that publication dates and series continuity can sometimes vary, so this is a rough guide rather than a definitive list. If you’re just getting started with the Avatar books, it’s generally recommended to start with the original series and then move on to the comics and novels

Avatar: The Last Airbender Comics in Order

1. The Promise

The Promise
The Promise

This three-part graphic novel series continues the narrative from where the TV series ended. Aang and Zuko are keen on bringing harmony between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation colonies, initiating the Harmony Restoration Movement. The comic brilliantly encapsulates the trials and tribulations faced during this peace-building process.

It vividly illustrates the political and personal conflicts that arise, posing a serious challenge to Zuko’s oath of friendship to Aang.

2. The Search

The Search
The Search

This series is a heart-wrenching tale of Zuko’s quest to find his long-lost mother, Ursa. Along with Azula and Team Avatar, Zuko unravels the veiled mysteries of his past, tracing his mother’s footprints. This journey helps him understand Ursa’s life, her choices, and the profound implications they had on his life.

The series brilliantly addresses the themes of abandonment, identity, and the yearning for closure.

3. The Rift

The Rift
The Rift

In this series, Aang grapples with the preservation of his Air Nomad heritage amidst the rapidly changing world. The comic effectively highlights the tension between modernity and tradition when an Earthen Fire Refinery is built on a sacred Air Nomad site.

Toph’s metal-bending students also make an appearance, contributing to the gripping narrative.

4. Smoke and Shadow

Smoke and Shadow
Smoke and Shadow

This series is centered around the Fire Nation where Zuko is grappling with political instability and assassination attempts. Zuko’s rule is threatened by an insurgent group named the New Ozai Society, leading to multiple conflicts. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure from the Spirit World is causing unrest in the capital.

5. North and South

North and South
North and South

This comic focuses on Katara and Sokka as they return to the Southern Water Tribe, only to find it in the middle of a modernization boom, creating a cultural clash. The siblings, along with Aang, deal with issues of identity, change, and the meaning of home.

6. Imbalance


This series explores the tensions between benders and non-benders in the emerging town of Cranefish, a precursor to the conflicts in “The Legend of Korra”. Aang, Katara, Toph, and Sokka investigate the town’s issues, bringing into focus the socio-economic disparities and labor unrest.

The Legend of Korra Novels

The Legend of Korra Novels
The Legend of Korra Novels

1. The Legend of Korra

Turf Wars: This series begins immediately after the TV series finale. As Korra and Asami return from the Spirit World, they find Republic City in chaos. The spirit portal has brought about a new threat a developer wants to turn the portal into an amusement park. Amidst this, the series also beautifully explores Korra and Asami’s romantic relationship.

2. The Legend of Korra: Ruins of the Empire

The trilogy takes a closer look at the Earth Kingdom where Kuvira’s authoritarian rule has left a vacuum of power. As the kingdom prepares for free elections, a military commander from Kuvira’s past seeks to seize power, leading to a tense political situation. This series delves into Kuvira’s character and her attempts at redemption.

Avatar Comics in Order: Legend of Korra Comic Books

1. Friends for Life

This standalone comic centers on a young Korra in the Southern Water Tribe. When Korra finds a polar bear dog being abused by a Fire Nation vendor, she decides to take care of the animal, naming her Naga. It’s a charming tale of friendship and loyalty that adds depth to Korra’s character.

2. Lost Pets

This comic narrates the story of Mako, Bolin, and the rest of Team Avatar as they help find lost pets that have been displaced due to the havoc created by the Spirit vines in Republic City.

The Legend of Korra: Enhanced Experience

The Legend of Korra: Enhanced Experience
The Legend of Korra: Enhanced Experience

This is an interactive book rather than a narrative. It provides behind-the-scenes content and insights into the making of “The Legend of Korra” series. It’s filled with storyboard animations, character sketches, and insightful commentary from the creators, offering an enriched understanding of the show’s production.

Chronicles of the Avatar

This series offers a closer look at individual characters.

1. Aang’s Story

This book chronicles Aang’s journey, including his relationships and the decisions he made as the Avatar.

2. Zuko’s Story

This book takes a deep dive into Zuko’s personal journey, highlighting his struggles, his inner conflicts, and his path toward redemption.

3. Sokka’s Story

Sokka’s intelligence, humor, and bravery are at the forefront of this book, showcasing his growth and pivotal role in Team Avatar.

4. Katara’s Story

This book focuses on Katara’s journey from a Water Tribe girl to a master water bender and compassionate member of Team Avatar.

The Lost Scrolls Series

The Lost Scrolls Series
The Lost Scrolls Series

Each book in this series is based on one of the four elements.

1. The Lost Scrolls: Water

This scroll captures the mastery of water bending, its philosophy, and the significance of this element in the Avatar world.

2. The Lost Scrolls: Earth

This scroll delves into the strength, perseverance, and enduring nature of earth bending.

3. The Lost Scrolls: Fire

This scroll explores the passion, drive, and destructive force of fire bending.

4. The Lost Scrolls: Air

This scroll expresses the principles of freedom, detachment, and harmony that define air bending.

The Earth Kingdom Chronicles

These books retell episodes of the original series from various character perspectives.

1. The Tale of Aang

The Tale of Aang
The Tale of Aang

Follow Aang’s journey through the Earth Kingdom, his struggles, and his determination to fulfill his responsibilities as the Avatar.

2. The Tale of Azula

The Tale of Azula
The Tale of Azula

Azula’s story provides insight into her calculating mind and her pursuit of power and control in the Earth Kingdom.

3. The Tale of Toph

The Tale of Toph
The Tale of Toph

Experience Toph’s adventures, her challenges, and the unique perspective of this tough, blind earth bender.

4. The Tale of Sokka

The Tale of Sokka
The Tale of Sokka

Journey with Sokka through the Earth Kingdom, his strategic mind, humor, and valiant efforts to aid in the war against the Fire Nation.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Series

1. The Rise of Kyoshi

This novel explores the origin story of Avatar Kyoshi – her humble beginnings, the harsh realities she faced, and her rise to become one of the most formidable Avatars in history.

2. The Shadow of Kyoshi

The sequel to “The Rise of Kyoshi”, this novel continues Kyoshi’s journey as Avatar, focusing on her confrontations with a mysterious threat from the Spirit World while dealing with political intrigue and dark secrets.

What is Avatar?

What is Avatar?
What is Avatar?

Avatar is a popular animated franchise created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. It began with “Avatar: The Last Airbender” (2005–2008), which follows the adventures of the young Aang, the last surviving Airbender and the reincarnation of the Avatar a being capable of bending all four elements of air, water, earth, and fire.

Aang, along with his friends, must save the world by defeating the Fire Lord Ozai and ending the destructive war waged by the Fire Nation against the rest of the world.

The franchise was later expanded with a sequel series, “The Legend of Korra” (2012–2014), which follows the next Avatar, Korra, as she faces political and spiritual unrest in a modernizing world.

Quick Fact: Besides the television series, the Avatar universe also includes a wide range of comic books, graphic novels, and other written material, each expanding on the characters, plotlines, and world-building of the animated series.

How to read Avatar in order?

How to read Avatar in order?
How to read Avatar in order?

The most recommended order to read the Avatar books would be to start with the series that directly follows the events of “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. Here’s a suggested reading order:

  1. Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise
  2. Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Search
  3. Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Rift
  4. Avatar: The Last Airbender – Smoke and Shadow
  5. Avatar: The Last Airbender – North and South
  6. Avatar: The Last Airbender – Imbalance

    After finishing these, you can move on to the “The Legend of Korra” comics, which continue from where the Korra TV series ended:
  7. The Legend of Korra – Turf Wars
  8. The Legend of Korra – Ruins of the Empire

The standalone comics and character-centric novels can be read at any point, but they might be more enjoyable after finishing the core series. The novels about Avatar Kyoshi are also standalone and can be read separately.

Where do I start with Avatar books?

Where do I start with Avatar books?
Where do I start with Avatar books?

If you’ve watched the animated series and want to dive deeper into the Avatar universe, it’s recommended to start with “The Promise”, the first comic series that continues the story of Aang and his friends after the original TV series. This will help you maintain continuity and better understand the character development and storylines.

If you’re completely new to the Avatar world, you might want to start with the animated series “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, followed by “The Legend of Korra”, and then move on to the comics and novels.

How many books of the Avatar are there?

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the Avatar franchise includes over 25 comic books, graphic novels, and written works, including standalone comics, a series of comics, novels, and informational books.

This count includes the main comic series following “Avatar: The Last Airbender” and “The Legend of Korra”, standalone comics, the “Chronicles of the Avatar” and “The Lost Scrolls” series, “The Earth Kingdom Chronicles”, and the Kyoshi novels. However, more books may have been published since then.

Who are the main characters in the Avatar series?

Who are the main characters in the Avatar series?
Who are the main characters in the Avatar series?

The Avatar series primarily follows Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Zuko. Aang is the last surviving Airbender and the current Avatar who must learn all four elements to bring balance to the world. Katara, a Waterbender, and Sokka, her non-bending brother, hail from the Southern Water Tribe. Toph is a prodigious Earthbender who invents metal bending.

Zuko, initially the main antagonist, is the exiled prince of the Fire Nation who undergoes significant character development and becomes an ally.

What does it mean to be the Avatar?

The Avatar is a unique being who can master all four elements water, earth, fire, and air when typically, a person can only bend a single element related to their nation of birth. The Avatar maintains peace and balance in the world, moving through a cycle of reincarnation in the four nations.

What is the role of animals in the Avatar universe?

Animals in the Avatar world are often hybrid creatures that serve various roles, from companionship to transportation. Aang’s loyal sky bison, Appa, and his winged lemur, Momo, are notable examples. Animals also influence bending styles, such as the badger moles teaching Toph earth bending.

What are the differences between the various bending arts?

Each bending art corresponds to a different element and reflects unique philosophical concepts and martial art styles. Waterbending is fluid and adaptive, Earthbending is solid and enduring, Firebending is intense and dynamic, and Airbending is elusive and indirect.

Additionally, each has specialized forms like bloodbending (water), metal and lava bending (earth), lightning generation (fire), and spiritual projection (air).

What is the Spirit World in the Avatar universe?

The Spirit World is a parallel plane of existence where spirits, the supernatural entities of the Avatar universe, reside. The Avatar, as the bridge between the human and the Spirit World, can travel to and communicate with beings in the Spirit World. This realm plays a significant role in both Avatar series.

How does the Avatar Cycle work?

The Avatar Cycle is the order in which the Avatar is reincarnated, mirroring the cycle of the seasons: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. When the Avatar dies, they are reincarnated into the next nation in the cycle. For example, Aang (an Air Nomad) was followed by Korra, who was born into the Southern Water Tribe.

What is the role of philosophy and spirituality in Avatar?

Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra contain deep philosophical and spiritual themes. Concepts such as balance, duality, and the interconnection of all things are central. Each nation’s philosophy reflects its element and bending style, and personal growth is often depicted through a character’s bending mastery.

How do the Avatar comics expand on the original series?

The Avatar comics serve as a continuation of the TV series and expand on character development, plotlines, and themes. They often delve into complex issues like post-war reconstruction, colonialism, and industrialization. They also answer lingering questions from the TV series, like the fate of Zuko’s mother.

Who is Avatar Kyoshi and what are the Kyoshi novels about?

Who is Avatar Kyoshi and what are the Kyoshi novels about?
Who is Avatar Kyoshi and what are the Kyoshi novels about?

Avatar Kyoshi is one of Aang’s past lives, known for her formidable power and strict moral code. The Kyoshi novels, “The Rise of Kyoshi” and “The Shadow of Kyoshi”, explore her backstory and reveal how she became a legend. These novels delve into her early life, the challenges she overcame, and the legacy she left behind.

How does The Legend of Korra continue the story of Avatar?

The Legend of Korra takes place 70 years after Avatar: The Last Airbender and follows Korra, the next Avatar after Aang. The series deals with issues like social inequality, political unrest, and spiritual balance in a rapidly modernizing world. It introduces new characters and concepts, while also providing a deeper understanding of the Avatar universe.


To conclude, the Avatar universe, through its animated series, comics, and novels, offers a rich and complex world that captivates its audience. These works deliver compelling narratives, intricate character development, and profound philosophical themes, ensuring the franchise’s lasting popularity.

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About Ben Hudd

Hi, my name is Ben, and I am part of the writing crew for TheWritersHQ!

I have a roaring passion for books and writing, and have written 2 books throughout my life! I am now excited to share my writing and book knowledge with the world!